Common Key Combinations to Avoid in Passwords

Common Key Combinations to Avoid in Passwords

Password protection and security is increasingly important in a world that is becoming more and more dependent on digital technology. Unfortunately, as cutting technology becomes more pervasive, those that wish to take advantage of people in the digital realm continue to improve their own devious schemes and strategies. Let Ability Technologies help you navigate protection in your digital spaces with a few easy-to-follow instructions on avoiding commonly used password combinations.

Password spelled in white keys on a black keyboard


One of the most commonly used passwords out there is actually just the word itself. For some, it is an ironic approach to the slight inconvenience of needing to enter a password. For others, it is genuinely used for ease of access and to ensure that they won’t forget their key. Either way, it is one of the first phrases that those with malicious intent will try when attempting to access your accounts.

"qwerty" written down on a post-it note as someone's password

Easy Keyboard Combinations

The impulse to just drag a finger across the keyboard when setting up your passwords is a strong one, but it also leaves you incredibly vulnerable to security breaches. Passkeys like “qwertyuiop” or “asdfghjkl” are also frequently used online and are another one of the first things that hackers will attempt when trying to access your data. Don’t make it easy for them!

Person typing the numbers in their phone passcode

Obvious Strings of Numbers

Many people find it easiest to set something like “123456789” as a password. It’s easy to remember and seems like something more complex than it is because it is just a string of digits. But, again, number strings like that are way too common to use when it comes to cyber protection. Additionally, using your birthday or other dates that are easy for others to find out can make it a simple process for hackers.

Hacker working on a laptop

“L33T SP34K”

Substituting letters for numbers in a password is a seemingly clever workaround when it comes to sites with numerous requirements for setting one up. Combinations like “P455W0RD” are extremely common. Unfortunately, hackers are acutely aware of the popularity of this trend. All they need to do is guess a common word that might be associated with you and try out a few different combinations of this strategy and your account can be compromised.

At the end of the day, you want your information to stay secure and accessible only to yourself and those to whom you grant access. Taking a few simple steps to avoid common key combinations can ensure that your data stays secure and out of the wrong hands. If you would like more information on technology security services, give us a call at (719) 285-0622. Our experienced and skilled team will ensure that you stay protected on the worldwide web.