Cloud Desktop
Those in Technology are always looking for the next new, shiny thing to make all of Silicon Valley sing. For the past couple of years, that’s been cloud-based data and everything it encompasses. It means easier access to data, more possibilities while on the go, and is, in general, bursting with possibilities that everyone in the technology industry is excited to explore. If you’re not aware of the sheer possibilities available to businesses that take advantage of cloud services, you’re missing out. With cloud services you can get easy, affordable access to resources and applications that could change the technological infrastructure of your business for the better.
Not too sure how that works? Check it out.

Cloud services include three main pillars: SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS. These are made available by cloud vendors that, essentially, act as a host to the application on their own premises. So, even though it’s “in the Cloud,” it still has a physical representation. It’s just not one that you have to house on-site for your business like a traditional servers for most of your files. Indeed, the fact that it’s not an in-person solution is one of it’s many perks. Since you don’t have to invest in a host or have on-hand yourself for your business to use, you’ll end up saving money by not having to purchase that hardware. This means that you can move the clunky, physical aspects of your IT infrastructure off-site to the data center. You’ll be able to access all of your resources with the same level of security and backup, but you’ll be able to do so entirely virtually. The three solutions below detail exactly how that works.

IaaS is the foundation of a cloud service. This works as a framework for your entire data center. It eliminates the need for on-site installations and simplifies the structure of your IT systems. Some come with firewalls and load-balancing measures already installed so that you don’t have to worry about accessing more in-depth security measures for your data as you move to a more flexible style of server.
Essentially, it functions by transferring your entire infrastructure onto a new cloud server with very little fuss. Then, the cloud service vendor will maintain the infrastructure for you. In other words, you’ll be able to access IT consulting services through your cloud service package.

Another option you can select when choosing cloud service options is the PaaS. This offers an entirely different experience than SaaS or IaaS options do. The PaaS can act as a web-based development area where developers of all kinds can create cloud apps. This makes it so your cloud services are easily tailored to your needs but is an often more complex and hands-on approach to cloud services. A PaaS will have an operating system and programming language all it’s own that developers can go inside and tweak to create cloud-based software without having to deal with maintenance tasks. It’s an entire database, but it works well for tech-based companies that are trying to provide their clients with multiple types of solutions and ways to access their services.

SaaS is, by far, the most widely known type of cloud service currently available. This service includes the basics like file backups and general storage. It often includes project management tools for your company and a web-based email platform, as well. Many programs used in the average workspace feature this type of cloud service access, but this is often overly simplified. You’ll see it available in Dropbox and Microsoft Office, however these rarely provide the security levels that most businesses need and expect for their online file storage needs. These have grown in popularity, and certainly function well for low-priority, low-security projects, but these are not a substitute to on-site storage solutions like IaaS or as the term “cloud services” generally suggests.

With any technological advancement comes a selection of measured benefits that sway folks away from the traditional way of doing things. In this case, cloud services provide a wide selection of improvements on in-person servers that have to be hosted and maintained on-site in order for your business to thrive. In cloud services, businesses all over the world are finding more freeing and generally better storage solutions for their businesses. Some of our favorite benefits within the cloud storage services world are below.

The best part of a cloud service, by far, is its ability to scale with your business with remarkable ease. If your business gets bigger, all you have to do is upgrade your current cloud service. You won’t need periodic IT consulting and infrastructure rebuilds to accommodate all of your new needs as your business grows and becomes more successful. You won’t have to find the funds to invest in a new, better IT department, or even hire on-staff IT professionals. You’ll be able to manage and keep your cloud service running with ease from afar without extra hassle. As your user needs change, you’ll be more adaptable and agile than ever before. Your data solutions and storage will no longer rely so heavily on the slow moving progress of the physical IT world. Instead, you’ll be able to access the more capable online and remote sector of the industry and all of the advancements they endlessly pursue.
You’ll be able to easily enhance your own applications, provide better client portals and do so by merely calling your cloud service provider and discussing your new wants and needs. Improvements are almost always just a few clicks away.

It’s scalability and agility as a service also means that your cloud solution can be uniquely and efficiently tailored for just your needs. You won’t need to select a package with more than you need right at this moment as we can tweak our current offerings to suit you better. We’ll be able to provide more than just data solutions and give you access to a cloud storage system that can grow and adapt right alongside your business.
You’ll be able to access services on an on-demand basis when you need them and only for as long as you need them. That means new technological services will be easier to try out with less commitment or hassle in them. Don’t need a specific service anymore? Just cancel that portion of your subscription and move on. Finding the solutions you need and testing their full abilities will become easier than ever before.

Giving your workers remote access to the work they need to get done, or the work you need to get done, has never been so easy. With cloud storage and a proper VPN, you’ll be able to equip your staff with the ability to work remotely as long as they want if you’d like. It’ll also make accessing files on the go easier. Cloud storage is entirely accessible as long as you have an internet connection. So, wherever you have that, you’ll be able to work without interruptions or complications.

Cloud services are often provided on a monthly or annual subscription basis. That means that you’ll be saving money in quite a few areas. First, you won’t have to store an on-site server and pay the rent on the square footage it’s taking up anymore. Instead, you’ll be able to use that space for more important things, like new employees' desks and other things. You also won’t need to pay for on-premises software licenses which can act as a huge dent in your budget regardless of the size of your business. Through cloud services, you’ll be able to access the storage, software, and other services you need without having to invest in the maintenance or physical implementation of your storage solution.

Cloud services only work when they’re properly implemented. There are several ways to implement cloud services, but they’re mainly defined by two major sectors: Public or Private. Several factors like your work environment, how you want to use your cloud services, and what will be stored on that server, will ultimately affect how you make your decision between public or private cloud services.
Public cloud services are often SaaS solutions. This is often defined as a service that a cloud service vendor makes accessible to a wide selection of consumers using the internet. The biggest benefit of this type of storage option and cloud service is usually if you want to make sharing files easily. Specifically, if you spend lots of time sending files outside of your server and granting access to multiple different people, this is the easiest way to share those files. It’s great for companies who are looking to take their workforce remote or who want to be able to easily share assets with clients without a lot of fuss. Google drive is an excellent example of this type of cloud service. However, you can create a mixture of both public and private and provide yourself with more security for the documents you pass through the cloud service.
Private cloud services, however, are much more exclusive. They do not offer these services to just anyone and they are often highly customized based on your business’s specific needs. These will often be accessed through the cloud vendor’s own internal infrastructure. This is often used as a completely custom design for a single organization and is used when dealing with sensitive data. Healthcare and banking industries favor private cloud services often due to the sensitivity of the data that they need to store and keep readily accessible. Private cloud services often have advanced, highly specified security protocols and the program itself can have extended capabilities added as needed throughout the life of the private cloud.
Hybrid options, however, are the happy medium, and are, thus, the usual choice for most common business structures. This allows the best of both worlds. You’ll be able to save and protect sensitive data in the private section of your cloud, while still allowing the general employees in your organization to access the various apps and resources they need in order to complete their job duties on a daily basis. Hybrid systems can be fashioned completely custom and made to order for your specific business needs which is one of their main benefits, alongside offering the best of both worlds from private and public cloud services.

Ready to start digging into the world of cloud services? Reach out to Ability Technologies to get started. We provide premium cloud services that are comprehensive and are custom-tailored to your needs. Together, we’ll discuss the finer points of your business’s current data sharing structure and storage solutions. We’ll find ways to replicate and even improve current processes to make data more accessible and daily communication easier from wherever in the world you’re staying. Access more cost-effective and comprehensive data storage and sharing solutions today. Schedule an initial consultation now.