Network Security Services
As the world makes the migration to becoming totally automated and controlled by the internet, the term “security” begins to take on a new meaning. The days of security cameras and perhaps even just a security guard being enough to keep your business and the items within safe are almost gone. Now, there are new threats that simply aren’t physical and can’t be caught and prevented in the same manner. Now, they’ll sneak in through your internet usage and corrupt your entire system.
In fact, now that all of your client data, including credit card numbers and other valuable information are held on your server, whether it’s on-site or through the cloud, you’re more vulnerable than you ever were when you had physical copies that you printed out and wrote on by hand. However, the internet doesn’t have to be a dark and scary place full of security breaches and potential data threats. With the proper network security protecting your business’s assets, cybersecurity breaches will become a much less frequent occurrence.
Ability Technologies makes it easy to equip yourself with end-to-end protection for your network so that you can prevent future breaches and keep your data and your client’s data safe and sound on your server. Discover more about how we build a strong protection for your network through our network security below.

A good network security infrastructure combines several layers of defenses around the edge of and the interior of your business’s network. Every single security layer will implement its own set of policies and controls that prevent different types of cyber threats. Antivirus and firewalls, for example, are each a type of security measure that will be implemented within the overall network security infrastructure. This ensures that, while you and your employees can access all of the data and files you need to, there will be no way for malignant forces or viruses to access that information as well. Many businesses start out with only a mildly effective network security setup. Usually, they’ll simply choose to pay for the antivirus that already comes on the computers they purchased. They’ll sign up for a monthly subscription to a service that only takes care of half the issue. In order to access complete protection, you’ll need to invest in a complete network security package that includes several layers of defenses, or else you run the risk of serious cyber security tasks that will cost you more money and time than a proper security system would.

When you work with Ability Technologies to create a custom, tailored security solution, you’ll be creating a real defense for your system, your data, your client’s data, and your business overall. With most of our custom tailored programs, we provide the following services.

This is the first step to building an impressive network security infrastructure. Essentially, it acts as an audit that reviews your current security measures and finds holes in that system where viruses and other cyber attacks could easily sneak through. It starts by taking stock of any part of your network that may already have viruses or might have already been breached at some point. If we can find an initial security compromise, we can deconstruct the compromise to help us find other vulnerabilities in your current system. We’ll first conduct a vulnerabilities test, the test we described above, and then we’ll try and breach the security system ourselves and see where we can get through. Once we know the places where your current system can be breached, we can start to make recommendations on the kind of system you’ll need to prevent future attacks and create a solid security infrastructure for your network.

Once we’ve completed your security assessment, we’ll be able to discuss the kinds of antivirus software you need in order to build up your defenses and create the security system you require. Essentially, antivirus software works by examining the data that travels onto your system over the network. It scans this data, like websites and files that you download, for threats and it monitors the behaviors of all the programs you use so that it can flag and attack any suspicious behavior that it catches. It works by setting up a defense that blocks and, should it fail initially, removes malware before it can do any real damage to your system.
Your antivirus software will perform a few key actions. You can count on it to pinpoint specific files that have crossed into your network and target them for destruction because they detect malware on them. It’ll also schedule automatic scans of the entire system to ensure nothing got past the initial defenses. You can even order to scan an individual file that you’re suspicious of, rather than the entire computer at non-scheduled intervals. You’ll also be able to rely on your antivirus to delete malicious codes and software that access your system and, thus, it will continually confirm the safety of your device and the data on the system in this manner.
This is an aspect of cybersecurity and network security overall that constantly needs to be updated. Cyberattacks and malware are being updated and becoming more adaptable with every passing day. They need to keep up with cutting-edge antivirus software, so the moment that the software protecting your system isn’t up-to-date and offers premium security, you’re at risk of a breach. A good example of this is like a vaccination against the flu. Every season, you have to get a new vaccination, not because the old one has worn off but because the flu virus has now morphed and adapted. It’s become more aggressive and can attack the immune system in new and unexpected ways that will take down your defenses. Antivirus software works in exactly the same way. You’ll need to keep it updated to keep it effective.

A network firewall functions differently than an antivirus software does, though they are often confused. A network firewall ensures that access to the entire network and the systems within are actually authorized users. THe traffic allowed on the network would be defined through the policies that you write for your firewall. In other words, you’ll be able to set up one firewall around your network that only allows your employees on to it. Or, you can set up several firewalls in your network and guard files against general employees while still granting them access to the rest of the network.
You can even be sure that the firewall prevents certain data pieces from ever leaving the network. For example, if a malicious attack were to happen to your network, the person who had infiltrated wouldn’t be able to pull the files away from the network at all. You can even dive into further specifics and protect certain files from ever entering certain parts of the network as well. Your firewall, in whatever area of the network you place it,will function by reading and examining each piece of incoming data or information. It will reject those that fail to meet it’s specific criteria for access. This keeps hackers, viruses, and general malware from accessing important data that you need to keep safe.
There are two types of firewalls that you can choose from: Software and hardware firewalls. After our initial security assessment, we’ll discuss what kind of firewall we think would suit your operation best. You can present security concerns and discuss how your network currently functions so that we can determine where to place firewalls for extra security and what types of firewalls to use, as well.

Within the last few years, virtual private networks, or VPNs, have gained popularity. If you don’t know, however, just what they are, that’s ok. Most folks recognize it as something that protects your data while you browse the internet, and that it’s a good idea to have one for your at-home computer. Few people realize that it’s a crucial part of having a secure network for your business.
Essentially, a VPN provides an encrypted connection from any device to the network itself. This encrypted connection ensures that sensitive data can be safely transmitted without letting someone else, or a potential virus, see it. This makes sure there’s no one in your area or on your network eavesdropping on the network traffic. This makes it much easier for employees to conduct their work remotely and makes your overall security much tighter.
It functions by extending the security of your corporate network through the encrypted connection that’s made through the internet. Essentially, a person in Hawaii could log on to their work computer and, as long as they have an internet connection, access the VPN so they could get files and do work without potentially breaching your own security measures. This works to encrypt their traffic, the data packages they send and so much more as they work in or out of office. It makes connections safer than ever before.

Cybersecurity measures are active. That means that, even though we’ll take the work off of your plate, it’ll always need to be a priority. With the ever adapting technological sphere comes ever-adapting threats. Luckily, we provide regular reports to let you know what new vulnerabilities might have developed in your system over time. We’re here to help you make keeping your data and your business’s overall network safe an easy and doable task. Our regular reporting will ensure that you’re always in the know about how effective your network security is and if we need to add further measures to keep you and your business safe while online.

Ready to invest in the full package? We’re here to help. Let’s get started on your security assessment and start bolstering your cyber defenses today. Schedule an initial consultation today to start learning about our in-depth programs and how we can help your entire network run more smoothly and become more secure.